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Business Coach


Our lives seem to be in constant motion reacting to a hectic life swirling around us. At times we seem to be ruled by our PDA, iPods, computers, and over scheduled lives. We forget that as human beings we actually do have choices! Balance is about making life choices and selecting the experiences we really want rather than running around trying to be all things to all people.

Individuals seeking balance are often asking the following types of questions:

  • This is just my life, what choices do I have?
  • I’m in constant motion, how do I slow down?
  • What other ways can I look at my life?
  • How can I have both a successful career and a fulfilling personal life?
  • Everybody else lives like this, how can I say no?
  • What alternatives do I have?
  • In what areas am I out of balance? What will I do about it?

Possible Coaching Outcomes

  • Learn the power of conscious choice.
  • Be able to look at situations from multiple perspectives.
  • Develop the power to say NO!
  • Create a plan for better life and work balance.
  • Identify solid strategies to implement that plan.
  • Make the commitment to change old patterns of being.
  • Take powerful actions to support the choices you make.
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